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May 6, 2008

Titlepage.tv widget

For those who would be interested in keeping track of our blogs' content, we have created a widget that you can easily embed into your own blogs or posts.

Thanks to Widgetbox, the process was painless. I have already added it to our MySpace page. What is really cool about it, is that you can change the look, size etc. to adapt to your own needs. Try it, and let us know what you think!

TAGS: , , ,
April 28, 2008

Poetry Month and Titlepage.tv

April is slowly coming to an end. It does not mean you should stop caring about poetry!

We were lucky to have Edward Hirsch on the program but poetry lovers will find plenty more on the net.

May we suggest you start your journey at poets.org, the official site of the Academy of American Poets. Then pass by the Library of Congress  where Poet Laureate, Charles Simic, whose book, That Little Something, Dan offered to his guests at the end of the fourth episode of Titlepage.tv, is prominently featured.

Finally, if you have a bit of time left, finish by dropping by the Poetry Foundation where you will find a series of poems by this year's Pulitzer poetry winner, Robert Hass.

TAGS: , , ,
April 23, 2008

A poet and three novelists

April 15, 2008


Oops...made a mistake. Our next episode will be posted on Monday April 22 not April 21.

April 12, 2008


Promo for episode 4 is up.

April 7, 2008

Viddler Full Screen

After chatting with a few people I realize not everybody is taking advantage of Viddler's glorious features. Not only can you jump from one part of the video to another without having to wait for the video to download to your desktop, but you can also watch the video on your screen in full size, giving it a TV feel. Viddler's created this picture that explains to you how to do it. If you have any additional questions, don't hesitate to email.