Titlepage reports from BEA -- Part 3: BOOK EXPO WANDERINGS
by JessicaIn the vast expanse of the Los Angeles Convention Center, one feature stands out: bags, bags, and more bags. Book Expo America will run until June 1st and the more than 25,000 visitors look like overzealous students happily loading up their backpacks and totes.
Titlepage reports from BEA -- Part 2: AUTHOR BLOGGING
by JessicaThe question of “to blog or not to blog” seems to weigh heavily on the minds of authors at many Book Expo sessions that have web savvy panelists. This was most evident at the panel titled "Authors and Their Online Communities: the Perils, the Opportunities and What’s Next". During the discussion with pre-eminent author-bloggers such as Markos Moulitsas, founder of Daily Kos, Cory Doctorow and John Scalzi, an author in the audience asked “What does it take to blog? It’s so exhausting!”
Titlepage reports from BEA -- Part 1: PARTY ALL THE TIME
by JessicaThe BookExpo America panel on the “Evolution of In-Store Events: From In-store to Online” made me think about people who learn to snowboard in their 40s. There are those who are in decent shape, can let go of their fears and start maneuvering almost like the younger kids on the hill. And then there are those who just don’t want to strap on the board. Both of these types seemed to be in the audience listening to the presentations by a panel of the hippest booksellers who are—last use of this metaphor—screaming down the mountain when it comes to promoting books.