by Odile
Some may have noticed that a couple of weeks ago, we added a twitter link in the connect box on the front page of that little blue "t"....
For those who don't know about Twitter, twittering, tweets etc. it has been called "micro blogging". Practically it is like text messaging to -- the world. Strangely, you start sharing strangers lives as they update you on their lives -- at times by the minute. It is also a great way to rapidly let people know about an event, an article, or to ask for advice and get instant response.
In our case, the first line of our blog posts now automatically appear in twitter, as do our videos when they are uploaded to our Viddler account.
You can also keep up with the latest news this way. You can subscribe (follow in Twitter lingo) to CNN twitters, or the New York Times'. Their tweets will land on your phone screen in no time.