Nam Le

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January 16, 2009

You Could Have Discovered Them Here First

With only one season and six episodes in the 'can' demonstrated an impressive track record of snagging authors whose books landed, some multiple times, on 2008's Best of lists.

Starting with Publishers Weekly's list, there is Richard Price who appeared in our debut episode, All Over the Map, as well as Aleksandar Hemon and Nam Le who both appeared in Episode 5, Found in Translation. A fourth book that made that list, The Story of Edgar Sawtelle was one of the books recommended by our host, Daniel Maneker.

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November 13, 2008

Nam Le wins the Dylan Thomas Prize!

The news of Nam Le's winning of the Dylan Thomas Prize with his beautiful "The Boat", reaches us via the Story Prize Blog.

Peter Florence, said Le's work “demonstrated a rare brilliance that is breathtaking both in the scope of its subject matter and the quality of its writing”.

The Dylan Thomas Prize is "the largest literary prize for a writer under the age of 30." Le is 29. 

Nam Le, who was featured in Titlepage's episode 5, received £60,000 and in doing so, beat, among others, another Titlepage guest, Ceridwen Dovey

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